Congratulations to all of our students who will be graudating this year.  We are very proud of you and are sure that you will continue to succeed in your future careers.

With careers in mind … Kevin Thompson from the Careers Centre, Carrington Building, has this message he has asked us to relay to you:

The University Careers Centre provides significant support to you for twelve months after graduation. Whether you are looking to identify job and further study options, want to know where to find relevant job vacancies or would like some coaching to get through the recruitment process Careers are there to help. If you are staying around Reading or returning at any point you can arrange a face to face meeting in the Carrington Building. If you aren’t able to visit we can arrange a discussion via email, phone or skype. To see a Careers Consultant  to get things going just ring Careers on 0118 3788359 or email
